I need to confess something, to somebody, somewhere, now. Ever since beginning this college thing, I've felt immense amounts of pressure to be a certain girl or to do certain things or to think certain ways, and I know for a fact it's so easy to get lost in the muck of the "world" idea of life - "everything is okay, nothing is bad...just live your life and do what makes YOU feel good." Well, my friends, this is not the way to go. I know, I know - most of you know this already, but where I go to school one thing is shoved in my face more than anything - Greek. I went into college with a very objective view on sorority life, and I still have that view for the most part, but I fell into the terrible lie that I NEEDED to try one because it was the ONLY way to make friends. This lie is pushed in the college students brain every way it can be, and I unfortunately, began to believe it after a while. Don't get me wrong - if that works for you and you love it and you make great friends through it, thats wonderful, but one must check her motivation. ANd really, this isn't even about sororities - it's about becoming your own person and not being defined by the groups you associate yourself with, but realizing that has an effect on how others define you. Okay, this entry is one big ramble and a half, but that's all I had to say about it. I didn't try one, I'm not going to, but I need to get over the pressure.