Sunday, January 2, 2011


He drives for hours. 4 1/2, actually. Just to see me on the weekends. Working in Harrisonburg was no easy thing for Trev (aka - the boyfriend). And it was no easy thing for us to handle together. I can't tell you how many nights I would be halfway angry with God over the fact that He had put this stress on Trev (silly me). If I was "on my knees" about anything, it was that God would bring him home. 6 months, I believe it was, that he drove from his hometown to Harrisonburg for work during the week, and he never really complained once about it. He was tired and down and ready for change, but week after week he never stopped. I'm amazed by it. I couldn't have done it, I believe. But here we are now, and he's working 1 hour away from home and we don't even really know what to do about it. It's kind of funny how we will pray and pray for change, and when the change comes it's like we lose all ideas of how to handle it. I really think, though, that all God wants is for us to be thankful for his faithfulness. It's so true.

Okay, this is totally off subject, but I have a sore throat. Anyone know any crazy good remedies? I want something great and natural. I do not deal well with colds. In fact, I would rather have a stomach virus than a sore throat/cold. I think it's because the cold isn't bad enough to keep you from doing normal life, yet it's enough to make you feel terrible. This benedryl is kicking in and I still have some Acts to read. Goodnight, blogger.


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