Thursday, February 3, 2011

Step by Step

I will seek You in the morning
I will learn to walk in Your ways
And step by step You'll lead me
And I will follow You all of my days

These lyrics are sung so easily by me - like normal language and thought. I often take the phrase "the will of God" for granted. I assume it will be easy to decipher, easy to understand. I came to college with this mindset that I was magically going to be revealed everything my life was made for and walk right into it (I was wrong). I said I didn't want to go to a Christian school because I wanted to "experience world outside my so-called bubble" yet now I'm craving a God-centered education environment. I thought I would instantly make all of these life-lasting relationships with people, yet I sit in my dorm staring at my computer screen longing for friendship but too afraid to step out and get it. I ache for a word from the Lord, but I sit in front of my Bible daily not even knowing where to begin looking. Something tells me I have it all wrong - maybe that's just a lie, but maybe it's truth. Maybe God is keeping me here in this position of uncertainty until I take that leap He's been whispering in my ear since the beginning. We typically live these lives of settlement, but we feel in the depths of our soul unsettlement because we know we're playing it safe - we know there's so much more out there than sitting in an office, or sitting in a classroom, or even walking through a hospital. We form ideas that take a little of the calling God has truly set into our hearts and a lot of the "play it safe" mentality the world throws into our minds and we wander until we're at the end of our days, then we catch ourselves saying "where did all the days go?". I don't want to ever say "Where did all the days go?" I want to know where my days are going. I want the Lord to take my days and place them in a purpose for world changing, for wall breaking, and for His glory. So, step by step He'll lead me, and I will learn to walk in His ways.
